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2010 U.S. steel news roundup

U.S. steel news: 2010 United States’ raw steel production increased close to 38 percent from 2009 to 2010, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute.  The nation produced nearly 88.5 million tons of steel between January and December 2010, surpassing the 64.3 million tons of steel produced in 2009.  Still, this year’s U.S. steel […]

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A Brief History of Global Steel Production Shifts

Today, growth of steel production is increasing most notably in developing countries such as China, Brazil, India and, recently, South Korea.  China’s steel industry still leads the world in production, growing at a rate that exceeds increases in overall global production.

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Steel scrap demand expected to grow significantly by 2015

The establishment of new steel mills using electric arc furnace technology will also drive a demand for steel scrap.  Steel scrap is the primary raw material used in the production of steel by electric arc furnace.  The European steel industry, using electric arc furnace technology, accounted for over 40 percent of all steel production, according […]

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Turning metal into magic: Our top 10 steel sculpting websites

Sculpting steel is a form of artistry unlike any other.  Steel is a solid, durable and malleable medium capable of being transformed into just about anything the imagination can fathom, like colossal steel abstractions; delicate, painted birds and bumblebees; majestic scrap steel horses and even junkyard-furnished cowboys.  No matter the piece of artwork, these sculptures […]

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The most recycled substance in the world

Recycling is one of the simplest proactive measures consumers can take to protect the environment. Paper, aluminum, plastic and glass are recycled on a daily basis, but have you ever considered that the most recycled material on this earth is not any of these materials? The most recycled material on this planet is steel. More […]

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How Google Made Me Enemies With Michael Bolton and His Song “Steel Bars”

I’ve never liked Michael Bolton.  I don’t like his music and his instructional slow pitch softball video is downright embarrassing.  I’m absolutely certain I could stop by any local rec league and find someone more qualified to make an instructional softball video than he is.  Fortunately, it’s easy to change the station when Michael Bolton […]

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Steel production at the six month mark: 2010 vs. 2009

By all counts 2009 was a tough year in terms of steel production, but with a rebounding economy in many Western countries has led to a significant increase in steel production in 2010.  According to the first six months of 2010 has shown a 27.9% increase over the first half of 2009. The countries […]

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Ten Advantages of Steel Roofing

It’s never been smarter to install a steel roof. Steel roofs are strong, attractive, and eco-friendly. They offer many advantages for homeowners, including a few cost-saving attributes which put some money back in your wallet. And the benefits don’t end there. 1.)    Safe – A steel roof is extremely fire-resistant. It insulates against sparks, preventing a fire […]

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Ten top sources of steel industry news

Steel is our business, and we are always on the lookout for excellent resources for timely news and opinions on the latest happenings in the steel industry.  So aside from our subjective opinions, we’ve also collected some metrics to show the relative importance and value of these pages as ranked by Google and Yahoo.  For […]

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Test your steel knowledge.

Steel is what we know, and steel is what we do.  So we wanted to see how much everyone else knows about steel.  We’ve put together a short quiz to see just how much people know about steel.  Take a couple minutes and find out yourself.     Quiz Links

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