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The Effects of Natural Disasters on Today’s Steel Industry

Natural disasters have horrific and devastating effects. They can tear apart homes, our places of employment, schools; all while ripping holes in families, communities and our most cherished memories. No matter when or where a natural disaster has occurred, the destruction can be felt as if it happened yesterday. With the various natural disasters that […]

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Steel News April 2011

As we are prone to do, we like to share some of the top steel news articles currently making headlines.  This month we take a look at a variety of subjects as covered by some of the top industry and general news outlets on the web. March Steel Product Imports – Bloomberg Q & A w/ […]

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Six reasons civilization would collapse without steel: Part 3

We’ve thus far concluded that steel is necessary in infrastructure, transportation, economics and efforts in sustainability.  It also plays a significant role in keeping the world healthy and disease-free, as well as attracting tourists to the most entertaining destinations on earth.  Here are reasons five and six to further explain steel as an irreplaceable ingredient […]

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Six reasons civilization would collapse without steel: Part 2

Aside from the fact that buildings and bridges would crumble in an instant, the absence of steel in society would have a tremendous effect on worldwide sustainability and economics.  Check out reasons three and four in our blog series for even more steel-centrality evidence. 3.      The world economy would suffer Economy Crude steel production reached […]

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Six reasons civilization would collapse without steel

What would it take for civilization on Earth to collapse in an instant?  A nuclear explosion?  A raging and incurable worldwide epidemic?  A surprise black hole capable of swallowing the sun?  Possibly.  Yet, what if something seemingly less catastrophic forced civilization to an end?  What if steel became nonexistent?  The effects wouldn’t seem to be […]

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2011 Projected Steel Demand

In October Worldsteel published a forecast of short term steel use.  The folks at Nerds of Steel blogged about this shortly thereafter and shared the data on their blog.  We found this information very interesting and wanted to graphically take a look at the shift in steel demand, so we dropped it into Excel to add […]

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2010 U.S. steel news roundup

U.S. steel news: 2010 United States’ raw steel production increased close to 38 percent from 2009 to 2010, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute.  The nation produced nearly 88.5 million tons of steel between January and December 2010, surpassing the 64.3 million tons of steel produced in 2009.  Still, this year’s U.S. steel […]

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A Brief History of Global Steel Production Shifts

Today, growth of steel production is increasing most notably in developing countries such as China, Brazil, India and, recently, South Korea.  China’s steel industry still leads the world in production, growing at a rate that exceeds increases in overall global production.

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Steel scrap demand expected to grow significantly by 2015

The establishment of new steel mills using electric arc furnace technology will also drive a demand for steel scrap.  Steel scrap is the primary raw material used in the production of steel by electric arc furnace.  The European steel industry, using electric arc furnace technology, accounted for over 40 percent of all steel production, according […]

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Turning metal into magic: Our top 10 steel sculpting websites

Sculpting steel is a form of artistry unlike any other.  Steel is a solid, durable and malleable medium capable of being transformed into just about anything the imagination can fathom, like colossal steel abstractions; delicate, painted birds and bumblebees; majestic scrap steel horses and even junkyard-furnished cowboys.  No matter the piece of artwork, these sculptures […]

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